Wednesday 2 January 2013

If the force so strong with Yoda is, why in proper..

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If the force so strong with Yoda is, why in proper order a sentence contruct cannot he?#-#14240


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Inside us there is some secret. We are following a..

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Inside us there is some secret. We are following a narrow ledge around a mountain, we are sailing on skeletal eerie craft over the buoyant ocean.#Robert Bly-What Have I Ever Lost by Dying?#15497


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If I have sex with my clone, will I go blind?#-#13..

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If I have sex with my clone, will I go blind?#-#13873


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Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the pa..

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Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.#Denis Waitley-#17943


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Counting in binary is just like counting in decima..

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Counting in binary is just like counting in decimal if you are all thumbs.#-#5149


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Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made s..

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Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education.#Bertrand Russell-#18734


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Having nothing, nothing can he lose.#-#8820..

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Having nothing, nothing can he lose.#-#8820


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At the Unix conference, each hotel room had a copy..

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At the Unix conference, each hotel room had a copy of K and R in the bedside drawer, left by the Gideons.#-#3194


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LIAR: I most enthusiastically recommend this man w..

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LIAR: I most enthusiastically recommend this man with no qualifications whatsoever.#-#17473


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If you think my room is messy, you should see my s..

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If you think my room is messy, you should see my sex life.#-#14794


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Cult: It just means not enough people to make a mi..

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Cult: It just means not enough people to make a minority.#Robert Altman-#5232


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If two people are in agreement, one is not needed...

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If two people are in agreement, one is not needed.#-#14360


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How many Microsoft programmers does it take to cha..

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How many Microsoft programmers does it take to change a lightbulb? None. They defined darkness a standard.#UNIXWorld-Dec. 1993#9856


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If you don't know what you're doing, do it neatly...

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If you don't know what you're doing, do it neatly.#-#14574


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If you meet Ken Thompson on the road, kill him.#-#..

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If you meet Ken Thompson on the road, kill him.#-#14709


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In other words, there's a HTTP server in every dev..

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In other words, there's a HTTP server in every device with a processor and a port which can use PEP and HTML to offer a meaningful, composable interface to any other HTTP client?#Rohit Khare-#15262


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next time you find somebody who's insisting they'r..

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next time you find somebody who's insisting they're punk, look on their neck for my special mark. If it don't say mike belt, it ain't punk.#Mike Belt-#20036


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I gave up eating candy for Lent. Mommy was proud a..

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I gave up eating candy for Lent. Mommy was proud and so were the nuns. I thought it was okay to eat the candy if the wrapper was on. I was just sucking out the juices.#Rugburns-#10826


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Deceive not yourself, or you're really stupid.#-#5..

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Deceive not yourself, or you're really stupid.#-#5461


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Actually Digital threatened to sue Microsoft over ..

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Actually Digital threatened to sue Microsoft over having copied large chunks of VMS for WNT, unless they keep an Alpha version of WNT alive... that was before they got the pictures of Bilbo Gates doing heroinn acid with a call-girl from Proxima Centauri.#Robert Harley-#1659


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In any world menu, Canada must be considered the v..

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In any world menu, Canada must be considered the vichyssoise of nations -- it's cold, half-French, and difficult to stir.#Stuart Keate-#15142


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All fashionable vices pass for virtues.#Moliere-#1..

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All fashionable vices pass for virtues.#Moliere-#1928


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I want to get a tattoo of myself on my entire body..

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I want to get a tattoo of myself on my entire body, only 2 inches taller.#-#12178


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Baldric, you have the intellectual capacity of a d..

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Baldric, you have the intellectual capacity of a dirty potato.#Edmund Blackadder-#3319


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If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all..

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If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.#Cream-#13988


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It is difficult to legislate morality in the absen..

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It is difficult to legislate morality in the absence of moral legislators.#-#15881


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I understand. I used to believe in things when I w..

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I understand. I used to believe in things when I was a kid.#Homer Simpson-#12080


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